S15 vector image originally thanks to John Norris (donbenni@hotmail.com).  
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  Official SilviaNSW Drink Coolers are now available through the on-line shop.  
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Dyno Day  [13]
Day Cruise  [29]
BBQ Day  [9]
Drinks Night  [2]
Track Day  [43]

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  Total Visits: 1548042
Club Members: 842
Forum Members: 5060
Please read our Legal Notice / Disclaimer for any legal information about our club, this site and the cruises we organise.

Proudly Hosted By:

SilviaNSW Club Membership

A couple of www.silviansw.com members

Not only do members of the Silvia NSW club go cruising all the time and make heaps of friends doing so, they also get the added benefit of discounts from club sponsors and much more (see our Discounts page).

SilviaNSW club membership is free, the site and club are made up of all its members, we don't believe in fees. We do however accept donations to keep the site running and pay for the upkeep and organisation of certain club events, so please feel free to be generous :)

Anyone who applied for membership before December 2002 (16/12/2002) will need to reapply through this new system, we apologise for the inconvenience but we have had to do so in order to assign member numbers for each person in accordance to discounts with sponsors. If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to email mayhem (at) silviansw.com

PLEASE NOTE: This is the Club Membership sign-up page, this is different from the Forum Membership which can be found here.

If you would like to become a member of the Silvia Club of NSW then please fill out the form below.

Firstname: * Required
Surname: * Required
Nickname: * Required
(Should match forum account name to make life easier)
State: * Required
Phone: Note: Don't use spaces (10 digits max)


* Required for Confirmation Email


* Required



Please send me newsletters via email.

Yes you can give my details to sponsors for information mail outs.

Image: Optional (see notes below)
If you do not wish to submit a picture, please leave this field empty.

Only JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP files are accepted.
For simplicity please make image name the same as your nick, no spaces and all lowercase.

Random Validation Code:

Enter Code:

Please enter the above Random Validation Code to confirm your membership application.

NOTE: If you want to have your car added to the members gallery you will need to upload either a JPG, GIF, PNG or BMP image the maximum file size is 50 Kbytes and should be roughly 300 x 225 pixels (width x height). Also make sure that the image has the same name as you nickname, with all spaces removed (underscore "_" is acceptable) and all in lowercase for simplicity.

PRIVACY: In order to ensure privacy for our members all your details are stored in a password protected database that is only accessible by the Club President and Vice-President, if you op to have your details available for sponsors the only information we will then reveal is your name, nickname, email, and the model of your car (This is purely so that we can provide them with statistical information to better help out sponsorship and discounting deals).