Silvia Club of NSW

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Author:  J [ Tue May 28, 2002 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Thieves

Am I the only one who is sick and tired of this shit? People with absolutely no respect for anyone else.

I don't make much money at all, and I work hard for it. I save up, and buy something that I think I will really enjoy (ie, a silvia), and some asshole comes along and steals it.

Who the hell does that? Who looks at a car, and instead of thinking "hey nice car - he must have worked hard for that" thinks instead "hey, nice car, I'm going to take it off him, and I don't give a damn how it effects him". People who do this kind of thing are a fucking drain on society and should be shot. And people who buy stolen things aren't any better, because they encourage this kind of thing.

I only wish I could own something of my own that I have worked hard for, and not have some prick take it off me.

As a side note, if anyone see's a bright orange and red sileighty, would you kindly beat the living shit out of the driver, and then give me a call or an email? I'd really like my car back.

OK, I've had my rant now


Author:  JET23QU [ Tue May 28, 2002 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  u get ur poor car back

f*$k man i feel for ya i hope you get ur car back

Author:  2oosx [ Tue May 28, 2002 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

hmm.. another stolen car thats f$&ked :evil:
out of curiosity, where was it stolen from? and did u have any aftermarket alarm system on it?

Author:  J [ Wed May 29, 2002 12:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was stolen from a car-yard in silverwater - I don't think it was immobilised at the time it was stolen. Still having discussions with the yard as to who is liable. They left it outside instead of locking it up with the other cars, so if there's any contention here I think I'll be able to take them to court and win.

Man this sucks :evil:

Author:  mayhem [ Wed May 29, 2002 12:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

J wrote:
It was stolen from a car-yard in silverwater - I don't think it was immobilised at the time it was stolen. Still having discussions with the yard as to who is liable. They left it outside instead of locking it up with the other cars, so if there's any contention here I think I'll be able to take them to court and win.

Man this sucks :evil:

What was it there for, work on it, etc?

It they had control of the car... i.e. you lefted it with them for some reason... then they are liable for it and must pay.

Hope you get it back mate....

Author:  J [ Wed May 29, 2002 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah it was there to be worked on, but it'd be sitting there for 3 weeks and they hadn't even started on it yet. The mechanic dood busted up his arm and had to go to hispital, so they had a huge backlog of cars. It all sounded a bit sus to me, but I went in a checked it out, and the mechanic did actually hurt himself, and there were a shitload of cars waiting there. Well at least I don't have to pay for the work done on my car on the bright side.

Author:  tactic [ Wed May 29, 2002 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

my friend had his car stolen from a car re-spray place, they left the car outside instead of locking it inside and left the keys in it and they had to pay for the car when it was stolen.. a month later they found his car somewhere he sold it cheap and came out on top!

Author:  2oosx [ Wed May 29, 2002 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

car yard in silverwater? hmm thats too close to where i live which is kinda scary. I guess ill be sure to lock up my car everynight. I'd take them to court for sure if they refuse to pay up.

Author:  JET23QU [ Wed May 29, 2002 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  theives

smells fishy to me
i think they might of been in on it ???
maybe not the mechanic but the other poeple
your cars immobeliser wasnt put on
leaves them in the spot light dont u think
they have motive thats for sure

Author:  QIK180 [ Fri May 31, 2002 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm with JET it sounds like an inside job considerin it was a rare car. 2:1 odds on its already in pieces at a chop shop. Sorry dude hope you at least get ur $$$ back and fuck em up. Keep us posted they should have to pay.

Author:  J [ Fri May 31, 2002 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah I'm a little sus of the place, but I can't pin anything on them. And it could just be plain bad luck for them - they do get broken into a fair bit from what I've seen. They're being pretty cooperative at the moment. I agreed to let them import me another car, as long as I get to check the car out first. If it's a pile of crap, I'm gunna tell them go stick it, and I'll get it checked out by a third party mechanic first.

If they start giving me any trouble and being disagreeable I'll just bury them up to their neck in shit and leave them there. I've been getting some legal advice from a few different sources, and they don't have a leg to stand on. I can get them on Bailment law and negligence, as well as reporting it as suspicious behavoir to the police and having them investigated, and I can also go to the Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board and report them there and have their compliance licence revoked.

But that's all a little over the top at this stage as they all seem like pretty nice helpfull guys, and I haven't had any trouble with them yet... so fingers crossed!


Author:  tactic [ Fri May 31, 2002 5:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

dont forget to check if the car they 'import' for you isnt some stolen car from aus they try and flog off to you.

Author:  BLU86T [ Fri May 31, 2002 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

personally, id steer clear of getting them to import you a new one, but if they are good guys and everything works out for the better then smiles all round but just make sure its up to scratch.

Author:  JET23QU [ Sat Jun 01, 2002 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  import

how about u import it your self and send them the bill
can u do that ??????

Author:  J [ Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I could if I wanted, but they think they can get it cheaper through their sources. I'm willing to trust these guys up until I know they've done something dodgy. The instant that happens I'm burying them in shit.

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