S15 vector image originally thanks to John Norris (donbenni@hotmail.com).  
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  Official SilviaNSW Drink Coolers are now available through the on-line shop.  
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Dyno Day  [13]
Day Cruise  [29]
BBQ Day  [9]
Drinks Night  [2]
Track Day  [43]

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  Total Visits: 1548054
Club Members: 842
Forum Members: 5060
Please read our Legal Notice / Disclaimer for any legal information about our club, this site and the cruises we organise.

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Thank you for taking an interest in sponsorship and/or advertising on Silvia NSW. Below are details regarding each particular plan:

Sponsorship Plans:

Sponsorship is the only way commercial posts can be made on the Silvia NSW forums.

$50 / month - Sponsors Forum Access - Posting and replying allow in Sponsors Forum, members can reply (will be heavily moderated to ensure only on-topic posts)

By gaining access to the Sponsors Forum you are entitled to the following:
- Post For Sale threads regarding your companies products and services (this is only allowed in the Sponsors Forum)
- Discount on banner advertising (see below)

Advertising Plans:

Advertising is offered as a simple 468x60 size image (can be a flash animation, animated gif or a simple static image such as a jpg etc), the ad will appear on the top right hand corner of the main site and the forums.

$30 / month - General Advertising - Banner on every banner enabled page of the site (this includes the forums and main website)
$20 / month - Sponsor Advertising - For sponsors paying $50 a month for Sponsors Forum Access

Gold advertising status is available for +$10 (sponsor) or +$20 (non-sponsor). This gives your add twice the priority in the rotation (and thus more exposure).

Ads are placed in a rotation using phpAdsNew which rotates them each time a page is loaded. These banner style ads are the ONLY method of advertising on the Silvia NSW website, only sponsors will be allowed advertising in certain sections of our forums.

Advertising is small charge to help maintain the site, as such there will be NO DISCOUNTS or NEGOTIATIONS on this pricing structure. Bulk payments can be made for up to 6 months of advertising.

Silvia NSW reserves the right to remove an ad if payment is not received, if an ad is deemed in-appropriate or complaints are made about a particular ad or advertiser. In the case of an ad being removed, Silvia NSW reserves the right to keep the current months payment, but will be happy to refund any other bulk pre payment.

Advertisers/companies choosing to advertise on our site will be given an account in phpAdsNew which gives the ability to monitor all aspects of the ad (from how many times it has loaded to how many click through's etc). This also allows you to change your ad or modify any aspect of your ads campaign. The most important feature is a statistics report which is emailed every 30 days giving you feedback on your ad campaign.

If required we can design a simple banner for your company. A small charge (donation to the club) will be requested, an example is ImportBitz banner:

If you have further questions please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

NOTE: This information is correct as of the time of writing, pricing and/or advertising policy may be changed without notice. It is up to the advertiser to ensure all appropriate information is requested.